two kids

Once upon a time, there lived a boy and his younger sister.

One night, their evil parents left them in a forest, and the boy and sister wandered about hand in hand because they were just kids and didn’t know how to get back home.

They came upon a house made of chocolate and candy and were lured inside because they were just kids and hungry and locked up by a witch who lived in it.

But, they were smart kids. They outwitted the poor old witch, shoved her into the oven and baked her at 450˚ Fahrenheit.

They took the witch’s treasure because they were just kids and didn’t know stealing was a felony and lived happily ever after until they grew up and weren’t kids anymore.

(128 words)


photo prompt provided by TJ Paris

For Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – week of August 16, 2016 and The Daily Post’s daily prompt, Youth


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