big head big toe


The evening gray has arrived early. In her dimly lit room, she checks her cell phone and sets it on the table next to the dog-eared book of Infinite Jest.

No new email. Good.

She blows on the steam and slurps her herb tea.

The screen on the table flashes.

She fiddles with the frayed neckline of her t-shirt and takes another sip, then another, before reaching for the phone to check the message.

Are they inviting me…? To dinner?

Her big toe, protruding from the hole in the sock, wiggles.

When was the last time I went out?




For Friday Fictioneers – 19 July 2019.

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Photo from Roger Bultot



21 thoughts on “big head big toe

  1. She seems very surprised to be invited out for dinner, yet she has been expecting something, and was waiting. It is not in her nature to go after things, but just sit and wait. Even her big toe has a life of its own.
    I found this a great little story that pulls out the inner character.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A good story of a real introvert, Nelkumi. I don’t know the backstory but think perhaps she’s been hurt in some way. I hope someone helps her. In today’s world that’s a big “if”. Well done. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Introverts have an awkward time when it comes to socializing, in my experience. They are torn between wanting to be out and about and agonizing over it. Very sensitive portrayal of an introvert.

    Liked by 1 person

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