taking risks with no regrets

When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out? Once you’re young and vibrant. Then, before long, you turn into your mother, aunts, and grandmother. I have of no avail tried to follow them and instead taken the path with none set eyes on. I am not alone, for there are others who have chosen unpopular paths, and have no … Continue reading taking risks with no regrets

i’m most scared of…

What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it? I’m scared of getting old, and it wouldn’t take much to get there. I just have to do nothing. 「老いは外から言われること。他人との比較でしか生まれない」と養老孟司さんはおっしゃっていたけれど、全くその通りだと思う。昔は、歳なんてみんな取るんだからと開き直っていたが、今、周りを見て、恐怖しかない。物事や状況を把握、管理できなくなること。筋力の低下。迷惑かけたくないと望んでいても、そうしてしまっていることにさえ気がつかなくなる。ただただ、怖い。 Continue reading i’m most scared of…