dinner for two


Sherry stumbles towards the bar counter.
“Cabernet, please!”
“I think you’ve had enough,” the bartender stares into her unfocused eyes.
“I’m fine… Just one more…”
The bartender would not budge. Sherry turns around and looks at her table.
There he is. Sitting alone, his delicate hand on the table, patiently waiting for her.
He is too good for her. He has never complained about her unpredictable life, her lust for partying.
When she is not partying, she stays in bed crying. He comforts and kisses her. He knows and understands the “she” under the mask.
Sherry wishes the “she” under the mask would just die. Unless she finds a civil way to live with her, the fun and happy mask will one day shatter.
She grabs a glass of water that the bartender put on the counter and drains.
“I need some help. For his sake.”

(146 words)

photo prompt provided by Graham at grahamisjustmyname.com

For Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers week of 04-26-2016 and The Daily Post’s daily prompt: “Mask

14 thoughts on “dinner for two

  1. I enjoyed your take. An interesting perspective. I hope she can find peace, it’s what she needs the most. He must love her to sit with her and comfort her as she cries and put up with her partying. I think she loves him to, but her inner demons haunt her. Well written 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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